Who We Are

About the Store

Kofer Art & Found is curated imagery and stories from around the world, specializing in vintage photography, postcards, philately, and books. 

A collection of used goods, every selection has lived elsewhere — each brings its own story. Offering cultural affairs from your couch, inspired by the pandemic and extending beyond. Travel unlocked, ticket optional.


About Us

Shuffling between Europe and the US, we are a team of two, with a boundless curiosity about the world we live in and the tides that shape it. With respective backgrounds in internationalism and art history, we share an enduring love of travel, in general, and Southeast Europe, in particular  in all its complexities, traditional and modern art, history, and music. A desire to be seeped in things 'with soul' dictates our personal endeavors, and also guides our sourcing ventures.



While our store is online, the offering is decidedly offline. It is tactile, colorful, aged, in some cases, torn.

In addition to the visual component, a variety of narratives are offered through these tangible items. The narrative varies based on the time, the place, of course, the author themself. What once was is often no longer. Could it be again, if enough want it to? These conflicting and coalescing narratives and the question of possibility are endlessly fascinating. What is your ideal world? We hope the ideas offered through our selection can inspire and fuel debate for you and your circles, as they do for us.